Ironman Software
A collection of functions for sending notifications in PowerShell Universal. This module requires PowerShell Universal v4.
This notification can be used with a trigger to send a failed job email. You will need to configure the following variables for this to work.
New-PSUVariable -Name "EmailServer" -Value '' -Description "The SMTP server to use for email. "
New-PSUVariable -Name "EmailUser" -Value '' -Description "The username for authenticaitng to your email server. "
New-PSUVariable -Name "ToEmail" -Value '' -Description "The email address to send email notifications to. "
New-PSUVariable -Name "FromEmail" -Value '' -Description "The email address to send notifications from."
New-PSUVariable -Name "EmailPassword" -Vault "BuiltInLocalVault" -Description "The password for authenticating against the email server. "
Once the variables are configured, you can setup a trigger to send emails.
New-PSUTrigger -Name "Failed Job Email" -EventType "JobFailed" -TriggerScript "Universal.Notifications\Send-PSUFailedJobEmail"
This command can be used with a trigger to send a failed job Slack notification. You will need to configure the following variables for this to work.
New-PSUVariable -Name "SlackUrl" -Description "The Slack web hook URL."
Once the variables are configured, you can setup a trigger to send notifications.
New-PSUTrigger -Name "Failed Job Slack Notification" -EventType "JobFailed" -TriggerScript "Universal.Notifications\Send-PSUFailedJobSlackNotification"
This command can be used with a trigger to send a failed job Microsoft Teams notification. You will need to configure the following variables for this to work.
New-PSUVariable -Name "TeamsUrl" -Description "The Microsoft teams web hook URL."
Once the variables are configured, you can setup a trigger to send notifications.
New-PSUTrigger -Name "Failed Job Teams Notification" -EventType "JobFailed" -TriggerScript "Universal.Notifications\Send-PSUFailedJobTeamsNotification"
Installation Options
Install within the PowerShell Universal v5 admin console. More Info

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.
PS > Install-PSResource Universal.Notifications
Version History
Version | Published |
0.0.4 | 06/14/2023 |