Ironman Software
trigger PowerShellUniversal BurntToast windows
BurntToast Client Notification
This module provides a way to send BurntToast notifications to client machines from a PowerShell Universal server. It contains a set of scripts for sending notifications and connecting them to triggers. It also provides an install script to download and configure the PowerShell Universal Agent to accept BurntToast notification commands. Finally, it configures an event hub and published folder to facilitate the download and communication.
First, install this module in PowerShell Universal. Next, you will need to add the install.ps1
and PowerShell Universal Agent ZIP file into the BurntToast
folder. This folder should be in the PSU repository root. On a default installation, this folder will be $Env:ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\BurntToast
You will need to customize the $PSUURL
value with the URL of your PowerShell Universal server.
$BurntToastDir = Join-Path $ENV:ProgramData "UniversalAutomation\Repository\BurntToast"
New-Item $BurntToast -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Invoke-WebRequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ironmansoftware/gallery/refs/heads/main/Triggers/PowerShellUniversal.Triggers.BurntToast/install.ps1' -OutFile (Join-Path $BurntToastDir "install.ps1")
Invoke-WebRequest 'https://powershelluniversal.com/download/psu/win-x64/latest' -OutFile (Join-Path $BurntToastDir "PowerShellUniversal.zip")
From the client, you can invoke the install.ps1
script. By hosting the install.ps1
within the published folder, you will be able to direct users to run the following command (adjusted for your PowerShell Universal server URL).
iex ((iwr "http://localhost:5000/burnttoast/install.ps1").Content)
Installation Options
Install within the PowerShell Universal v5 admin console. More Info

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.
PS > Install-PSResource PowerShellUniversal.Triggers.BurntToast
Version History
Version | Published |
1.0.0 | 12/29/2024 |